Self Assessment Quiz

Take The Quiz Below

Below are some of the symptoms of a neural network impairment. If you have 6 or more of these symptoms, it’s very likely you have some degree of neural network impairment, and would benefit from rewiring your neural networks through the Rewire your Brain Transformational Coaching Program.

Self Assessment Quiz

Please submit your name & email, below, to receive your personalized results within 48 business hours.

1. You experience fatigue, weakness and low energy on a consistent basis.

2. You experienced 1 or more physical or emotional stresses (i.e. toxic or viral, emotional, lifestyle, nutritional, lifestyle, pregnancy) before your symptoms occurred.

3. You've seen a number of health practitioners who are unable to diagnose or treat your condition effectively.

4. You have had many tests for your "mystery" symptoms but the tests come back normal or showing only minor body or hormonal imbalances.

5. You experience brain fog, meaning you can't think clearly and have difficulty concentrating or focusing for long periods of time.

6. You experience chills and cold extremities.

7. You feel exhausted after physical exercise.

8. You get unexplained headaches.

9. You get occasional heart racing, palpitations or chest pain, sometimes for no apparent reason.

10. You feel momentarily dizzy or nauseated when you stand up.

11. Your health issues have affected your ability to work full-time.

12. It takes you a long time to fall asleep and/or you waken often.

13. You awaken feeling tired even after a good nights sleep.

14. You have a distorted sense of smell or taste.

15. You suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as IBS, gut discomfort or bloating.

16. There are foods you are sensitive to/ react to.

17. You have sensitivities to chemicals, or certain fragrances.

18. You have sensitivities to certain medications or supplements.

19. You have sensitivities to light, sound or touch.

20. You have electromagnetic hypersensitivity and try to avoid exposure to mobile phones, base stations, wi-fi or cordless technologies.

21. You have a skin rash or skin issues.

22. You have hypoglycemia or your blood sugar is low in between meals (and consequently you experience shaking, irritability, sweating and/or brain fog).

23. You experience mood swings, depression, irritability, or find yourself ruminating on past negative events or are worried about future events.

24. You have anxiety or nervousness.

25. Your stress resilience is low.

26. You suffer from pain or inflammation in your joints or muscles.

27. You've tried numerous forms of treatment, medications, and supplements— yet still feel sick and tired.

28. You are prone to a recurring or regular sore throat.

29. You experience flu-like or virus-like symptoms such as fever or swollen glands.

30. You've been told that your illness does not fit into any box/diagnosis, or that your symptoms are "all in your head."

1 + 14 =

*Please note that our coaching services are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. Please consult a health care provider if you are unsure if you have any of the conditions described in this website.  


The content in this website is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice Please consult a physical or other health care provider if you are unsure about whether you have any of the conditions described in this website.


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