5 Neuroplasticity Tips for a Festive Holiday Season
As we gear up for the festive frenzy, let’s not forget to show some love to our grey matter. Yep, that’s right — your brain deserves some holiday TLC too. Amidst the celebrations, be sure to incorporate some of these 5 practical tips to keep your brain healthy over the holidays.
5 Neuroplasticity Tips for a Festive Holiday Season
As we gear up for the festive frenzy, let’s not forget to show some love to our grey matter. Yep, that’s right — your brain deserves some holiday TLC too. Amidst the celebrations, be sure to incorporate some of these 5 practical tips to keep your brain healthy over the holidays.
1. Limit Stressors or Have Fun With Them!
If you’ve been following my content for a while, you’ll know how chronic stress can have detrimental effects on the brain, impairing neuroplasticity. And while the holidays can be joyous, they can also bring a huge amount of stress.
Identify potential stressors and when you’re able to, limit them as much as possible.
Sometimes, the stressor is a person – perhaps that triggering family member that you see every Christmas that you cannot get away from. If it’s a person that’s pushing your buttons, you might want to imagine shrinking them in your mind so they fit in the palm of your hand, and then envision them dancing in a tutu or some other funny scene. This alone will often diminish the seriousness of what they said or did.
If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed with your to-do lists, try taking some deep breaths, and be sure to pace yourself, doing one thing at a time. If you’re hosting, remember, the house and meal don’t have to be perfect!
2. Challenge Your Brain
Stimulate your brainpower! Whether it’s solving puzzles, playing strategy games, or learning something new, these challenges encourage the formation of new neural connections.
Neuroplasticity thrives on mental stimulation, so incorporating intellectually stimulating activities into your holiday schedule can enhance your brain’s health.
3. Connect with Others
When we feel connected and a sense of belonging, our survivor brain can take a rest. Inflammation decreases and our immune system improves.
Positive social experiences also contribute to the release of oxytocin, the “happy” or “love” neurotransmitter that enhances the formation of new neural networks.
Whether virtually or in person, spend time connecting with friends and family over the holidays. Meaningful connections provide emotional support, reducing stress and fostering a conducive environment for brain well-being.
4. Eat Brain-Healthy Foods
While indulging in moderation is a holiday must, going overboard can trigger our nervous system. Try opting for dark chocolate over the sugary milk version; it’s a sweet treat with brain-boosting benefits. And toss in some other brain-friendly munchies if you like as well, such as: nuts and seeds, berries, coconut, avocado and green tea.
Remember, balance is the key. Indulge in the holiday goodies, but sprinkle in these brain-friendly treats to keep your noggin in top shape throughout the festive season.
5. Practice Gratitude
Expressing gratitude has been linked to positive changes in the brain, including increased neural connectivity and the release of dopamine. A grateful mindset promotes a positive outlook, contributing to overall mental well-being.
It can be really hard to think better than you feel, especially if you are training yourself to do this for the first time or if the holidays are hard for you. But anything we practice grows, and there are always things we can be grateful for. See if you can cultivate a mindset of gratitude this holiday season for the things that you do have, such as a warm bed to sleep in or sweet treats to enjoy.
So, there you have it—your guide to a brain-happy holiday season. By incorporating these brain-boosting tips, you empower your brain to adapt, grow, and thrive during this festive season (and beyond).
Your brain will be dancing into the new year with life. Happy Holidays! 🧠🎉
The RYB Transformational Coaching Program
Doing steps to recovery can sometimes feel overwhelming and frustrating if you’re not seeing the improvement you’d like to see with what you’ve been doing, often leading to years of chasing symptoms.
A formulated brain-rewiring program, coupled with accountability and guidance tailored to your unique patterns, can bring about remarkable transformation and help you become both the healthiest, and the happiest, version of yourself.
Partnering with a certified health and life coach who specializes in neural rehabilitation and has walked your path and achieved full recovery provides the invaluable support you need to achieve your goals.
Would you like to know more? A chat will cost you nothing. Just click on the link below to schedule a time when we can talk.
The content in this website is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice Please consult a physical or other health care provider if you are unsure about whether you have any of the conditions described in this website.
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