Pamma’s Story

Hi, I’m Pamma!
I was diagnosed with both chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and adrenal fatigue syndrome (AFS) and after several years of debilitating symptoms, recovered partially through diet and supplementation. Although my energy had vastly improved and I was able to work full-time again, I was still left having to avoid or manage many of my symptoms. My pregnancy in 2015 triggered CFS again, but because many of my symptoms were vastly different from the first time I had it, I didn’t recognize it for over 3 years, suffering once again with many “invisible’ illness symptoms that my practitioners were unable to help me recover from.
I finally realized that the missing component to making my first recovery permanent was working with both my autonomic nervous system and my brain. Through implementing my own daily program of brain-based rehabilitation, which focused on rewiring the pathways that were keeping me locked in illness, I created a brain rewiring program and fully recovered from all my symptoms of chronic illness, and no longer have to live in avoidance.
I am a certified health coach and certified life coach and I work one-on-one with individuals suffering from chronic illness. Unsure if you have a neural network impairment? Click here.
Coaching is truly my passion and life’s work. What I love most is the connections I make with my clients. They can tell you that I’m a lover of life, passionate about neuroplasticity and personal growth, and am driven by the inspiration that we are all capable of tapping into our bodies innate healing wisdom to become the best versions of ourselves.
Pamma’s Full Story
When I was 32 years old, about two years after moving into a renovated 100 year old home, I started to experience extreme fatigue, to the point where I had a hard time getting out of bed most days. It turned out, unbeknownst to me, caked behind the walls and in the dirt crawl space of the home was a layer of toxic black mould. This trigger eventually led to a double diagnosis of both chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and adrenal fatigue syndrome (AFS), all of which caused a myriad of symptoms including debilitating fatigue, brain fog, sleep problems, hormone imbalances, muscle and joint pain, anxiety, and abdominal pain to name a few. These symptoms lasted for years.
That being said, I did notice some improvements as the years went on through a lot of experimentation with diet and supplementation. Finally I was able to go back to work full-time after about 6 years, and so long as I lived in avoidance of many things in my outer environment like certain foods, chemicals, electromagnetic radiation (wifi signals in my home for example), exercise, stressful social situations and so forth, I was “ok”. Back then, I thought that being mostly symptom-free (in “safe” environments) was being healthy. I now know that feeling full of energy and vitality in any environment is what true health really means.

My health took a turn for the worse during my pregnancy, at age 44. A small uterine fibroid I had when I got pregnant grew to the size of a basketball during my pregnancy. In spite of this setback, I maintained an optimistic and hopeful attitude during my pregnancy, however my outer symptoms began to get worse, especially towards the end of my pregnancy. I remember for example how all of a sudden I couldn’t tolerate the off-gassing of our bedroom furniture, even though I’d been fine with it for the 3 years we’d had it. I was convinced that for some unknown reason, it started off-gassing more, and began to get such intense symptoms of fatigue, brain fog and headaches that I couldn’t sleep in our bedroom anymore, until my very supportive husband sealed all of our furniture with a non-toxic sealer (which to this day, has left all of our furniture stained).
Over the months that followed the birth of my son, my symptoms grew worse and worse. I had developed an itchy and insidious rash that kept me up most nights, unexplained anxiety and nervousness (all of a sudden, I hated driving on the highway for example, whereas previously I loved long-distance driving), I had sleep issues, exhaustion, continual inflammation causing a sore neck and shoulders with massage only aggravating it, digestive issues, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and the multiple chemical sensitivities had me afraid to leave the home for fear of getting a reaction, not to mention a handful of other “unexplainable” symptoms. It did not occur to me that these symptoms were unresolved symptoms of CFS because so many of these symptoms were different to my initial symptoms with CFS. I now know that because the brain and nervous system control virtually every function in our bodies, the symptom list for invisible illness can be extremely long and ever-changing. Which is why these illness can be so hard to diagnose!
Eventually I learned that pregnancy can be one of many triggers for chronic illness. My research into the brain’s ability to heal itself had begun in my 30’s and intuitively I knew that this was what I needed to do to get better. I read every book on neuroplasticity that I could get my hands on and dived deep into learning. Wanting to be an active part of my son’s life added fuel to my fire of determination. I’d already missed out on so many years and opportunities in my 30’s, I didn’t want to miss out on my son’s precious years growing up too.

Through trial and error using mental exercises to rewire my old associations to symptoms, I finally saw some improvement to my health in a relatively short period of time. But it wasn’t until I tailored the rewiring techniques specifically to my trigger patterns and history of trauma, and incorporated several holistic practices (see programs page for more details) that I recovered fully. Now I can eat, drink and do anything I want, immerse myself fully in my outer environment, and enjoy life to its fullest!
Now it’s my mission and my true calling to help others suffering from chronic illness regain their vitality and live a life without limitations.

Pamma’s Full Story
When I was 32 years old, about two years after moving into a renovated 100 year old home, I started to experience extreme fatigue, to the point where I had a hard time getting out of bed most days. It turned out, unbeknownst to me, caked behind the walls and in the dirt crawl space of the home was a layer of toxic black mould. This trigger eventually led to a double diagnosis of both chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and adrenal fatigue syndrome (AFS), all of which caused a myriad of symptoms including debilitating fatigue, brain fog, sleep problems, hormone imbalances, muscle and joint pain, anxiety, and abdominal pain to name a few. These symptoms lasted for years.
That being said, I did notice some improvements as the years went on through a lot of experimentation with diet and supplementation. Finally I was able to go back to work full-time after about 6 years, and so long as I lived in avoidance of many things in my outer environment like certain foods, chemicals, electromagnetic radiation (wifi signals in my home for example), exercise, stressful social situations and so forth, I was “ok”. Back then, I thought that being mostly symptom-free (in “safe” environments) was being healthy. I now know that feeling full of energy and vitality in any environment is what true health really means.
My health took a turn for the worse during my pregnancy, at age 44. A small uterine fibroid I had when I got pregnant grew to the size of a basketball during my pregnancy. In spite of this setback, I maintained an optimistic and hopeful attitude during my pregnancy, however my outer symptoms began to get worse, especially towards the end of my pregnancy. I remember for example how all of a sudden I couldn’t tolerate the off-gassing of our bedroom furniture, even though I’d been fine with it for the 3 years we’d had it. I was convinced that for some unknown reason, it started off-gassing more, and began to get such intense symptoms of fatigue, brain fog and headaches that I couldn’t sleep in our bedroom anymore, until my very supportive husband sealed all of our furniture with a non-toxic sealer (which to this day, has left all of our furniture stained).
Over the months that followed the birth of my son, my symptoms grew worse and worse. I had developed an itchy and insidious rash that kept me up most nights, unexplained anxiety and nervousness (all of a sudden, I hated driving on the highway for example, whereas previously I loved long-distance driving), I had sleep issues, exhaustion, continual inflammation causing a sore neck and shoulders with massage only aggravating it, digestive issues, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and the multiple chemical sensitivities had me afraid to leave the home for fear of getting a reaction, not to mention a handful of other “unexplainable” symptoms. It did not occur to me that these symptoms were unresolved symptoms of CFS because so many of these symptoms were different to my initial symptoms with CFS. I now know that because the brain and nervous system control virtually every function in our bodies, the symptom list for invisible illness can be extremely long and ever-changing. Which is why these illness can be so hard to diagnose!

Eventually I learned that pregnancy can be one of many triggers for chronic illness. My research into the brain’s ability to heal itself had begun in my 30’s and intuitively I knew that this was what I needed to do to get better. I read every book on neuroplasticity that I could get my hands on and dived deep into learning. Wanting to be an active part of my son’s life added fuel to my fire of determination. I’d already missed out on so many years and opportunities in my 30’s, I didn’t want to miss out on my son’s precious years growing up too.
Through trial and error using mental exercises to rewire my old associations to symptoms, I finally saw some improvement to my health in a relatively short period of time. But it wasn’t until I tailored the rewiring techniques specifically to my trigger patterns and history of trauma, and incorporated several holistic practices (see programs page for more details) that I recovered fully. Now I can eat, drink and do anything I want, immerse myself fully in my outer environment, and enjoy life to its fullest!
Now it’s my mission and my true calling to help others suffering from chronic illness regain their vitality and live a life without limitations.
I live with my husband, son and dog Mojo in Ottawa, Canada.
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The content in this website is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice Please consult a physical or other health care provider if you are unsure about whether you have any of the conditions described in this website.
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